Introducing Our Figma Design System Sticker Sheets Writing E2E Tests for AG Grid React Tables with Playwright Optimising Large Data Set Visualisations with the M4 Algorithm Using AG Grid with Next.js to Build a React Table Introducing Long-Term Support (LTS) for AG Grid and AG Charts Upgrading To AG Grid 33 What's New in AG Grid 33 What's New in AG Charts 11 Switching the Localisation Language in AG Charts Using AG Grid in Reflex: A Python Framework
In Memory of Niall Crosby We are saddened to confirm that our brilliant CEO and founder, Niall Crosby, has tragically passed away in an accident in recent days.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 31 What's new in AG Grid 31 - initial grid state save/restore, new theme, accessibility support improvements, pagination page size selector and more
Releases What's New in AG Charts 9 What's new in AG Charts 9 - new Enterprise series types, zoom, context menu, crosshairs, initial load and data update animation, error bars and performance improvements
Events React Advanced London 2023 - Round Up A round-up of React Advanced London 2023, from platinum sponsors, AG Grid.
Design System AG Grid Figma Design System Updates - v30.2.0 Details regarding the latest features & updates from v30.2.0 of the Figma Design System
Releases What's New in AG Grid 30.2 What's New in AG Grid 30.2 - advanced filter builder, filtering/async values in rich select editor, dynamic group footers, CodeSandbox examples
Design System Introducing the AG Grid Figma Design System Our new design system gives designers the tools they need to build with AG Grid. Making it easier than ever to design, customise, and theme complex grid applications.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 30.1 What's new in AG Grid 30.1 - Figma design system, advanced filtering, interactive tooltips, pivot column generation with SSRM, rich select editor
Testing AG Grid: ES Modules & CommonJS AG Grid will use CommonJS modules for packages starting in v30.0.6, while using ES Modules for modules. Import AG Grid via packages to support testing tools such as Jest which require CommonJS modules.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 30 What's new in AG Grid 30 - added inferred cell data types, built-in cell editors, group footer rows with server-side row model and more.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 29.3 What's new in AG Grid 29.3 - improved sticky group rows, sticky group column headers, ShadowDOM support, chart tooltip interaction and customization
Releases What's New in AG Grid 29.2 What's new in AG Grid 29.2 - header and group selection for server-side row model, multiple filtering conditions, column header layout and more.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 29.1 What's new in AG Grid 29.1 - group column filters, tree data transactions in server-side row model, more options for chart axis tick placement and more.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 29 What's new in AG Grid 29 - server-side row model transaction support, set filters tree list and complex object support, chart improvements and more.
Angular Reducing Angular Library Contributions to the Main Bundle In this guest post by Nicolas Gehlert, origianlly published here, learn the best way to include AG Grid in your own shared Angular library that will not result in AG Grid being included
How To AG Grid Cell Rendering Pipeline with TypeScript This post contributed to the AG Grid blog by Brian Love and originally posted here Our friends at LiveLoveApp, are big fans of AG Grid. Why? For two primary reasons: performance and extensibility.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 28.2 AG Grid 28.2 adds support for SolidJS and allows to customize the chart UI. There are also many improvements in performance and stability.
Tutorial Vuestic UI app with AG Grid Tutorial Vuestic is a growing vue UI framework with high customizability and SSR support. It’s a good choice for modern responsive application. In this article you will learn to create an application using Vuestic UI and AG Grid.
How To Using React Hook Form with AG Grid This post contributed to the AG Grid blog by Funmilayo Olaiya. Forms are commonly used on various online websites, web applications, mobile apps, and the like for information input and collection, data validation,
How To Add new rows using a pinned row at the top of the grid Learn how to add new rows to the grid using a special pinned row at the top of the grid. Sample code provided in JavaScript/Angular/React/Vue.
Releases What's new in AG Grid 28.1 AG Grid 28.1 adds disabled checkboxes to the grid and crossing lines to the chart along with many improvements in performance and stability.
Testing Using Playwright to Test AG Grid React Apps You’ll learn how to create a simple React application that utilizes AG Grid and validate the functionality of that application at an E2E and component testing level using Playwright.