Releases What's New in AG Grid 29.1 What's new in AG Grid 29.1 - group column filters, tree data transactions in server-side row model, more options for chart axis tick placement and more.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 29 What's new in AG Grid 29 - server-side row model transaction support, set filters tree list and complex object support, chart improvements and more.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 28.2 AG Grid 28.2 adds support for SolidJS and allows to customize the chart UI. There are also many improvements in performance and stability.
Releases What's new in AG Grid 28.1 AG Grid 28.1 adds disabled checkboxes to the grid and crossing lines to the chart along with many improvements in performance and stability.
Releases What's new in AG Grid 28 AG Grid 28 adds sticky group rows, column headers with word wrapping, improved theming using CSS variables, exporting row groups to Excel as expandable/collapsible and many more.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 27.3 AG Grid 27.3 enhances stability, adding tri-state checkbox selection in tree data and chart axis label auto-rotation along with selection and accessibility improvements.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 27.2 AG Grid 27.2 enhances stability, adding aggregation and pivot column filtering and saving/restoring secondary column state.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 27.1 AG Grid 27.1 improves quality and developer productivity, while adding significant new charting functionality - integrated combination charts
Releases What's New in AG Grid 27 See the improvements in Ag-Grid 27 - new React rendering, examples in Typescript, column filtering improvements, sparkline crosshairs and more.
Releases What's new in AG Grid 26.2 See the key improvements in AG Grid 26.2 - ReactUI customizations support, bar sparkline, column filtering improvements, accessibility and framework support.
Misc Using Typescript to Auto-Generate Documentation The public interfaces of AG Grid are ever-changing as features are added and refined. How do we ensure that our documentation stays up to date?
Releases Introducing AG Grid Sparklines Learn how to use the built-in AG Grid sparklines to visualise your data and improve the user experience. See the configuration and customization options.
Releases What's new in AG Grid 26.1 See the major improvements in Ag-Grid 26.1 - sparklines, chart series highlighting, ReactUI column header component support, entire row dragging and more.
React React UI Overview - 100% React AG Grid's React UI is a rendering engine written in pure React 100% throughout so it is fast and plays well with React dev tools and coding approaches.
Releases What's new in AG Grid 26 See the major improvements in Ag-Grid 26 - React UI renderer, updated typing information, row grouping improvements, chart series marker labels and more.
Releases What’s new in AG Grid 25.3 AG Grid 25.3 is a big step forward in terms of stability after the major improvements introduced in v25.0. Learn about all the improvements in this post.
Releases Upgrading to ag-Grid v25 server-side row model Learn what has changed and how to update your code to ag-Grid v25 server-side row model to benefit from powerful new functionality.
Releases What’s new in Ag-Grid v25 See the major improvements in Ag-Grid v25 - updated server-side data model, new cross-filtering chart, enhanced stability and accessibility.
Releases What's new in ag-Grid v24 Ag-Grid v24 is a big step forward. The major improvements include multi-filter, Reactive columns, functional React examples, chart themes, accessibility support and performance.
Releases Introducing ag-Charts Last year we introduced embedded charting features into the grid. Now, we introduce a dedicated charting library.
Releases Introducing ag-Grid and Integrated Javascript Charts The charts in ag-Grid are tightly integrated such that the charting component understands the columns and rows contained in the grid. This level of integration means both application users and developers are capable of creating charts from the data inside the grid.