Releases What's new in AG Grid 26.1 See the major improvements in Ag-Grid 26.1 - sparklines, chart series highlighting, ReactUI column header component support, entire row dragging and more.
React React UI Overview - 100% React AG Grid's React UI is a rendering engine written in pure React 100% throughout so it is fast and plays well with React dev tools and coding approaches.
Releases What's new in AG Grid 26 See the major improvements in Ag-Grid 26 - React UI renderer, updated typing information, row grouping improvements, chart series marker labels and more.
Releases What’s new in AG Grid 25.3 AG Grid 25.3 is a big step forward in terms of stability after the major improvements introduced in v25.0. Learn about all the improvements in this post.
Releases Upgrading to ag-Grid v25 server-side row model Learn what has changed and how to update your code to ag-Grid v25 server-side row model to benefit from powerful new functionality.
Releases What’s new in Ag-Grid v25 See the major improvements in Ag-Grid v25 - updated server-side data model, new cross-filtering chart, enhanced stability and accessibility.
Releases What's new in ag-Grid v24 Ag-Grid v24 is a big step forward. The major improvements include multi-filter, Reactive columns, functional React examples, chart themes, accessibility support and performance.
Releases Introducing ag-Charts Last year we introduced embedded charting features into the grid. Now, we introduce a dedicated charting library.
Releases Introducing ag-Grid and Integrated Javascript Charts The charts in ag-Grid are tightly integrated such that the charting component understands the columns and rows contained in the grid. This level of integration means both application users and developers are capable of creating charts from the data inside the grid.
Releases Introducing Version 20.1 of ag-Grid A little more than a month has passed since our last major release and we’re already rolling out a new version of ag-Grid.
Releases Introducing Version 20 of ag-grid The new year brings a new release of ag-Grid. This is a major update that delivers improvements to some enterprise features and performance.
Releases Introducing Version 19 of ag-Grid Customers love ag-Grid for its wide array of customization options and we work hard to make every bit of our data grid extensible. At ag-Grid we believe that developers should be able to extend default functionality with implementations specific to their use cases.
Releases Introducing Version 18 of ag-Grid Introducing version 18 of ag-Grid. This is a major update, so besides fixing a bunch of bugs and improving performance through underlying architectural changes, we’ve added a number of very interesting features. Let me walk you through the new features.
Releases Introducing Version 17: Thomas We’re delighted to announce the release of Version 17 of ag-Grid. This is our second major release of the year and we’ve packed it with improvements.
Releases ag-Grid Goes Commercial Version 4.x of ag-Grid was the first release offering both free and enterprise versions. From now on, the ag-Grid core project (formally ag-Grid) is split into ag-Grid (free and covered by MIT license) and ag-Grid-Enterprise (not free, covered by a Commercial license).