Releases What's New in AG Grid 33.1 AG Grid Enterprise 33.1 reduces bundle size, adds Row Numbers Column, Row Spanning, Tree Data Nested Records and Master/Detail Row Selection
Releases What's New in AG Grid 33 What's new in AG Grid 33 - bundle size reduction via modularization, async context menu items, customization of default column header content
Releases What's New in AG Grid 32.2 What's new in AG Grid 32.2 - React 19 support, new Theming and Selection API, Drag & Drop improvements, deferred column moving mode
Releases What's New in AG Grid 32.1 What's new in AG Grid 32.1 - server-side row model unbalanced rows and hide open parents, column group header auto-height, Excel export updates
Releases What's New in AG Grid 32 What's new in AG Grid 32 - rich select editor multi-select, reduced bundle size, translated localisation strings, updated chart menu and more
Releases What's New in AG Grid 31.3 What's New in AG Grid 31.3 - Sticky Group and Grand Total Row, Skeleton Loading Cells, Global Grid Options, Background Image in Excel Export
Releases What's New in AG Grid 31.2 What's New in AG Grid 31.2 - Updated Integrated Enterprise Charts Menu, Tooltips for truncated text, Export to Excel Table, Material Dark Theme
Releases What's New in AG Grid 31.1 What's New in AG Grid 31.1 - integrated Enterprise Charts, Column Menu Redesign, Custom Menu Item Components, Compression of Excel files and more
Releases What's New in AG Grid 31 What's new in AG Grid 31 - initial grid state save/restore, new theme, accessibility support improvements, pagination page size selector and more
Releases What's New in AG Grid 30.2 What's New in AG Grid 30.2 - advanced filter builder, filtering/async values in rich select editor, dynamic group footers, CodeSandbox examples
Releases What's New in AG Grid 30.1 What's new in AG Grid 30.1 - Figma design system, advanced filtering, interactive tooltips, pivot column generation with SSRM, rich select editor
Releases What's New in AG Grid 30 What's new in AG Grid 30 - added inferred cell data types, built-in cell editors, group footer rows with server-side row model and more.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 29.3 What's new in AG Grid 29.3 - improved sticky group rows, sticky group column headers, ShadowDOM support, chart tooltip interaction and customization
Releases What's New in AG Grid 29.2 What's new in AG Grid 29.2 - header and group selection for server-side row model, multiple filtering conditions, column header layout and more.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 29.1 What's new in AG Grid 29.1 - group column filters, tree data transactions in server-side row model, more options for chart axis tick placement and more.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 29 What's new in AG Grid 29 - server-side row model transaction support, set filters tree list and complex object support, chart improvements and more.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 28.2 AG Grid 28.2 adds support for SolidJS and allows to customize the chart UI. There are also many improvements in performance and stability.
Releases What's new in AG Grid 28.1 AG Grid 28.1 adds disabled checkboxes to the grid and crossing lines to the chart along with many improvements in performance and stability.
Releases What's new in AG Grid 28 AG Grid 28 adds sticky group rows, column headers with word wrapping, improved theming using CSS variables, exporting row groups to Excel as expandable/collapsible and many more.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 27.3 AG Grid 27.3 enhances stability, adding tri-state checkbox selection in tree data and chart axis label auto-rotation along with selection and accessibility improvements.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 27.2 AG Grid 27.2 enhances stability, adding aggregation and pivot column filtering and saving/restoring secondary column state.