Releases What's New in AG Grid 33.1 AG Grid Enterprise 33.1 reduces bundle size, adds Row Numbers Column, Row Spanning, Tree Data Nested Records and Master/Detail Row Selection
Releases What's New in AG Charts 11.1 What's New in AG Charts 11.1 - Y-Axis Auto-scaling, Annotations on Cartesian Charts, Theme Parameters, Touch Interactions with Gesture Support
Releases Introducing Long-Term Support (LTS) for AG Grid and AG Charts To help those who need more time to upgrade, we're now offering Long-Term Support (LTS) versions of AG Grid (v32-lts) and AG Charts (v10-lts).
Releases Upgrading To AG Grid 33 This post outlines the quickest and easiest way to upgrade to AG Grid 33 - one of our most significant releases, providing up to 40% reduction in bundle size.
Releases What's New in AG Grid 33 What's new in AG Grid 33 - bundle size reduction via modularization, async context menu items, customization of default column header content
Releases What's New in AG Charts 11 What's New in AG Charts 11.0 - Fibonacci Tools, Grouped Category Axis, Save and Restore Chart State
Releases What's New in AG Charts 10.3 What's New in AG Charts 10.3 - Funnel and Pyramid Series, Financial Charts Measuring Tools
Releases What's New in AG Grid 32.2 What's new in AG Grid 32.2 - React 19 support, new Theming and Selection API, Drag & Drop improvements, deferred column moving mode
Releases What's New in AG Charts 10.2 What's New in AG Charts 10.2 - Radial and Linear Gauge, Arrow Drawings, Extending Trend Lines and adding labels, Copy/Paste and Undo/Redo support
Releases What's New in AG Charts 10.1 What's New in AG Charts 10.1 - Financial Chart Type Selection, Text Annotation, Comment Annotation, Callout Annotation, Note Annotation
Releases What's New in AG Grid 32.1 What's new in AG Grid 32.1 - server-side row model unbalanced rows and hide open parents, column group header auto-height, Excel export updates
Releases What's New in AG Charts 10 What's New in AG Charts 10.0 - Financial Charts, Annotations, Sankey and Chord Series, Smooth and Step Line Style, Localisation
Releases What's New in AG Grid 32 What's new in AG Grid 32 - rich select editor multi-select, reduced bundle size, translated localisation strings, updated chart menu and more
Releases What's New in AG Grid 31.3 What's New in AG Grid 31.3 - Sticky Group and Grand Total Row, Skeleton Loading Cells, Global Grid Options, Background Image in Excel Export
Releases What's New in AG Charts 9.3 What's New in AG Charts 9.3 - Accessibility, New Candlestick and OHLC Series types, Ordinal-Time Axis, Zoom buttons
Releases What's New in AG Charts 9.2 What's New in AG Charts 9.2 - New Map Series types - geographic, lines and markers series, Rounded Corners for all Bar Series types
Releases What's New in AG Grid 31.2 What's New in AG Grid 31.2 - Updated Integrated Enterprise Charts Menu, Tooltips for truncated text, Export to Excel Table, Material Dark Theme
Charts Enhancing AG Grid Enterprise with AG Charts Enterprise When you combine AG Charts Enterprise with AG Grid Enterprise the Integrated Charting experience is enhanced with more features.
Releases What's New in AG Charts 9.1 What's New in AG Charts 9.1 - Enterprise Charts are integrated into AG Grid, Synchronized Charts, Mini Chart in Navigator, Asynchronous Data Loading
Releases What's New in AG Grid 31.1 What's New in AG Grid 31.1 - integrated Enterprise Charts, Column Menu Redesign, Custom Menu Item Components, Compression of Excel files and more
Charts Introducing AG Charts Enterprise Learn more about the background of AG Charts, how we arrived where we are today, and what you can expect from our brand-new enterprise product