React 18 - Avoiding Use Effect Getting Called Twice

React 18 introduced a huge breaking change, when in Strict Mode, all components mount and unmount, then mount again. The reason for this is for paving the way for a feature that isn't in React yet, so as far as React 18 is concerned, there is no reason.

For React Hooks in React 18, this means a useEffect() with zero dependencies will be executed twice.

Here is a custom hook that can be used instead of useEffect(), with zero dependencies, that will give the old (pre React 18) behaviour back, i.e. it works around the breaking change.

Here is the custom hook useEffectOnce without TypeScript:

import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';

export const useEffectOnce = (effect) => {

    const effectFn = useRef(effect);
    const destroyFn = useRef();
    const effectCalled = useRef(false);
    const rendered = useRef(false);
    const [, setVal] = useState(0);
    if (effectCalled.current) {
      rendered.current = true;
    useEffect(() => {
      // only execute the effect first time around
      if (!effectCalled.current) {
        destroyFn.current = effectFn.current();
        effectCalled.current = true;

      // this forces one render after the effect is run
      setVal((val) => val + 1);

      return () => {
        // if the comp didn't render since the useEffect was called,
        // we know it's the dummy React cycle
        if (!rendered.current) { return; }

        // otherwise this is not a dummy destroy, so call the destroy func
        if (destroyFn.current) { destroyFn.current(); }
    }, []);

And here is the hook again with TypeScript:

import { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react';

export const useEffectOnce = (effect: () => void | (() => void)) => {

    const effectFn = useRef<() => void | (() => void)>(effect);
    const destroyFn = useRef<void | (() => void)>();
    const effectCalled = useRef(false);
    const rendered = useRef(false);
    const [, setVal] = useState<number>(0);
    if (effectCalled.current) {
      rendered.current = true;
    useEffect(() => {
      // only execute the effect first time around
      if (!effectCalled.current) {
        destroyFn.current = effectFn.current();
        effectCalled.current = true;

      // this forces one render after the effect is run
      setVal((val) => val + 1);

      return () => {
        // if the comp didn't render since the useEffect was called,
        // we know it's the dummy React cycle
        if (!rendered.current) { return; }

        // otherwise this is not a dummy destroy, so call the destroy func
        if (destroyFn.current) { destroyFn.current(); }
    }, []);

In your application code, call useEffectOnce with zero dependencies instead of useEffect. Job Done.

// instead of this:
useEffect( ()=> {
	console.log('my effect is running');
    return () => console.log('my effect is destroying');
}, []);

// do this:
useEffectOnce( ()=> {
	console.log('my effect is running');
    return () => console.log('my effect is destroying');

How it works in a nutshell, I observed in React 18, if the effect runs, and then gets destroyed again before it renders, we know it's a fake setup / destroy cycle. This works regardless of what React version, and regardless of whether Strict Mode is used or not.

We use this workaround in AG Grid, which is a very popular library, so this fix has been "battle tested".

Also to be clear to any AG Grid users who read this - this isn't anything you need to do in your application, it's a workaround we implemented internally. You don't need to do anything different with AG Grid because of this.